The following prayer was delivered by Tom Ascol, senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church, Cape Coral, Florida. Ascol is a conservative Southern Baptist who speaks out against theological liberalism, critical race theory, and other errors. “Our Father in heaven we bow to you today on this momentous occasion because you alone are God; you are the Creator and Sustainer of all things, visible and invisible; you are Sovereign; and through your Son Jesus Christ you rule and overrule in all the affairs of life. We thank you for your great love for people whom you have made in your own image. And we confess that we have not lived as we ought, and we have sinned against you. We also confess that with you there is mercy that you may be feared. Thank you for delivering up your Son to be the Saviour of the world. We also thank you for the provisions you have made for us to pursue liberty, joy, and justice in your world, and for instituting government and all governing authorities for our well-being. Grant Gov. DeSantis wisdom beyond his years, strength beyond his abilities, and courage to stand firm in every righteous conviction. Remind him that he occupies this office as your servant. Enable him to serve with joy, zeal, and in the fear of God. Father, grant our governor good counsel and the humility to heed it when it will serve the citizens of this state well. Help him to remember both the source and responsibility of his authority. Lord, we ask you to have mercy on our governor’s precious family. We pray for his wife Casey and his children, Madison, Mason, and Mamie. With all the demands that go with this office, grant him the love and strength to care for them. Watch over and bless this family as he gives himself to serve this state. So, Holy Father, hear our prayers for Gov. DeSantis. Receive our praise and answer our request, because we bring them to you in the strong name of your Son and our Saviour, Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.”
(Friday Church News Notes, January 13, 2023,, 866-295-4143)