October 2022

Catholic Church Abandoning Opposition to Abortion

“A high-ranking Vatican official stunned Catholics during a recent television interview by inadvertently confirming the Catholic Church’s retreat from one of its fundamental moral positions. The official in question said on Italy’s national network Aug. 26 that the church had no interest in opposing that nation’s law allowing abortion. Enacted in 1978, Law 194 legalizes […]

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Homosexual Dean of Canterbury Cathedral

The new Dean of Canterbury Cathedral, David Monteith, is a homosexual who is in a “same-sex civil partnership.” Previously, Monteith was Dean of Leicester. Monteith’s nomination was approved by the late Queen Elizabeth (“New Dean of Canterbury,” Oct. 11, 2022, Englishcathedrals.co.uk). Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, said, “I’m delighted by David’s appointment. We will benefit

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Religious Oppression Increases in Turkey

“Victims of religious oppression in Turkey shared their stories at an event on religious freedom at the European Parliament where the speakers suggested that political and social atrocities in that country were behind the Christian population’s decline from 20% to a mere 0.2% over the last century. The victims highlighted atrocities against Christian minorities committed by

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Parents Win in “Transphobic” Case

“Two Christian parents in the United Kingdom have prompted the government to revise its gender-related guidance for children after they took legal action when a school labeled their 6-year-old son as potentially ‘transphobic.’ Nigel and Sally Rowe explained to Fox News Digital how they first raised concerns with their son’s Isle of Wight primary school after he

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Hummingbird Dinosaur

“Another day, another dinosaur! A recent article in Nature announced the discovery of a tiny dinosaur skull. The article starts with these words: Dinosaurs were big, whereas birds–which evolved from dinosaurs–are small. The smallest dinosaurs weighed hundreds of grams, but the smallest living bird, the bee hummingbird, weighs only 2 grams. The newly discovered dinosaur has been

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Doctors Suing U.S. Government for Censorship

“In October 2020, the Great Barrington Declaration was published by three academics–Jay Bhattacharya, Sunetra Gupta and Martin Kulldorff–who appeared on UnHerd to break the story. It marked a watershed moment in the pandemic, but the authors found their criticisms of Covid policy were increasingly censored on social media. Now, alongside Martin Kulldorff and two other doctors, Bhattacharya is taking his case

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Bill to Remove Children from Parents

“California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a bill into law [SB 107] which Newsom and supporters say would make California a so-called ‘refuge’ for children whose states restrict transgender treatments or whose parents oppose such treatments. Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) presented four possible scenarios in which the new law could harm families. First, ‘an unfit

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