March 2020

Prince Charles Recovering from Coronavirus on His Estate; My Estate is Being Built

Prince Charles, first in line to the British throne, tested positive for coronavirus and is resting at the Balmoral Estate. The 71-year-old “has been displaying mild symptoms but otherwise remains in good health and has been working from home.” His wife, Camilla, the Dutchess of Cornwall, is with him. Queen Elizabeth II, who will be […]

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Smartphone/Social Media Dangers: The Time in Which We Live

It is a time when:    * the average teen spends almost 11 hours per day in consuming electronic media (TV. radio, internet, etc.)    * 53% of children go online with no parental supervision    * 38% of teens have received sexually suggestive content via a device    * very young children are becoming addicted to online pornography, with their first exposure

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COVID-19 Prayer

For God’s people, difficult times call for prayer rather than panic. We have glorious promises, such as Romans 5:3-11 and 8:28. That’s why Proverbs says, “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.” We aren’t foolish, but we are bold, because “God has not given us the spirit of fear,

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Electric Hornets

Proverbs 11:2 “When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.” How many hornets does it take to power a digital watch? In the case of the Oriental hornet, six hornets can generate enough electricity to run the watch. Entomologists at Tel Aviv University have been studying Oriental hornets. They have been

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