March 2022

The Psychedelic Pandemic

“Psychedelic drugs are integrating into our society at breakneck speed. Psychedelics are a huge rising star in the drug therapy industry, and ‘there’s almost no mental health condition right now that’s not being looked at.’ That’s because mental health issues currently are costing the global economy $1 trillion per year. Consequently, numerous large organizations, schools,

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Online Crackdown against Christians in China

“Unregistered house churches that have relied on online gatherings and teaching to survive the COVID-19 pandemic and persecution will have that option taken away under draconian measures taking effect on March 1, sources said. Churches, seminaries and other ministries have been shaken by the government announcement on Dec. 20 that all religious information on the

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Hillsong Founder Brian Houston’s Immoral Behavior

Brian Houston, former senior pastor of the Hillsong association of churches (Pentecostal) headquartered at Hills Christian Life Centre, Sydney, Australia, has been exposed by his own church for “inappropriate behavior” with women. A letter sent to church members last Friday, March 18, acknowledged that two women complained about Houston’s behavior in 2013 and 2019, but

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Antibiotics: “Evolution” and Super-Weapons

“Antibiotic resistance is one of the most troubling properties of certain strains of bacteria. If a strain of bacteria has developed resistance, then it is very difficult, if not impossible, to eradicate. Certain such strains have developed in hospitals, where their non-resistant cousins have all been killed off by the antibiotics, leaving only the resistant

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Hungary Pro-Life, Pro-Family President and Constitution

“Hungary has chosen a pro-life, pro-family mother of three to become the country’s first female president. Katalin Novak, the country’s former Minister for Family Affairs, was elected by a two-thirds majority in the Hungarian Parliament, according to Hungary Today. Hungary’s pro-family policies have been painted as ‘far-right’ by both Western media and left-wing Hungarian media. In

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Critical Race Theory

“Critical race theory (CRT) categorizes people. One’s gender, race, or sexual orientation posits you as the oppressed or an oppressor—a status from which you are freed only when all existing societal structures, which are inherently racist, are overthrown” (“How Leftists’ Critical Race Theory Poisons Our Discussion of Racism,” The Daily Signal, June 28, 2020). The following

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Christian Bookstore Owner’s Covid Fines Overturned

“A Christian couple that accrued more than £40,000 in fines after opening their store in the national lockdowns has had their sanctions revoked. After being hit with multiple fines, Lydia and Alasdair Walker-Cox appeared in court twice. They argue that their Worcestershire store–which sells Christian books and newspapers, as well as gifts, cards and baking ingredients–should have

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