March 2021

Amazon’s War on God

The Bible prophesies that in the end time the whole earth will rebel against God’s laws in an unprecedented manner, particularly the rulers. “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let

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Wheaton Scrubs “Savage” from Plaque

In the latest example of “evangelicals” who are following vain secular thinking instead of God’s Word, Wheaton College has removed a plaque commemorating the 1956 martyrdom of five of its graduates because the word “savage” is now considered offensive (“Wheaton College scrubs ‘savage,’ The Spectator, Mar. 17, 2021). The plaque, which was presented in 1957 by

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What Will Not Be in Hell

The following are a few of the things that will not be in hell: God, the Bible, hymns, fellowship with friends and loved ones, light, answered prayer, love, kindness, grace, mercy, comfort, leisurely walks, children’s laughter, sunsets, gentle breezes, streams and rivers, trees, grass, flowers, sweet smells, an ocean beach, television, movies, internet, social media,

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