February 2020

Silicon Valley Building a Chinese-Style Social Credit System

“Have you heard about China’s social credit system? It’s a technology-enabled, surveillance-based nationwide program designed to nudge citizens toward better behavior. The ultimate goal is to ‘allow the trustworthy to roam everywhere under heaven while making it hard for the discredited to take a single step,’ according to the Chinese government. It aims to punish for […]

Silicon Valley Building a Chinese-Style Social Credit System Read More »

Strange Kiwis

Colossians 1:16 “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:” As a youngster, I remember once hearing that the England cricket team was getting ready

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Wall Street Journal: No Sex “Spectrum” Beyond Male and Female

“The Wall Street Journal has issued a throwdown to the gender lobby, insisting in an op-ed Thursday that sex is binary and there is no ‘spectrum.’ ‘In humans, reproductive anatomy is unambiguously male or female at birth more than 99.98% of the time,’ note biologists Colin M. Wright and Emma N. Hilton. ‘No third type of sex

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Pastor Who Hosts Filthy Secular Rock Productions to Speak at Southern Baptist Pastors’ Conference 2020

David Hughes, pastor of Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, Florida, is scheduled to speak at the Southern Baptist Pastors’ Conference 2020. Church by the Glades is a Southern Baptist congregation that used to be First Baptist Church of Lake Worth. They have performed a variety of filthy secular rock productions, including the “Stormtrooper

Pastor Who Hosts Filthy Secular Rock Productions to Speak at Southern Baptist Pastors’ Conference 2020 Read More »

Protestants and Catholics to Celebrate Mass Together in Calvin’s Cathedral

“Ecumenism is ripe and real and many apostate Protestant denominations and churches are headed right back to the harlot they were born from — Rome. On February 29 in Calvin’s Cathedral in Geneva, Switzerland, Protestants and Catholics for the first time will celebrate mass together after the mass has been banned from the Cathedral for

Protestants and Catholics to Celebrate Mass Together in Calvin’s Cathedral Read More »

New Age Mystic Speaks at Baylor University Chapel, Prays to “Mother Mystery”

Kaitlin Curtice spoke at Baylor University chapel on February 12 and prayed to “Mother Mystic.” Baylor, the world’s largest Baptist university, is affiliated with the Texas Baptist Convention at the state level and the Southern Baptist Convention at the national level. Curtice is a practitioner of New Age contemplative mysticism. She defines “contemplation” as “listening

New Age Mystic Speaks at Baylor University Chapel, Prays to “Mother Mystery” Read More »

Medical Journal Says States Should Override Parents Who Refuse to “Transition” Children to Another Gender

“A highly respected medical journal is urging the state to override the parents’ decision when a child wants to ‘transition’ to another gender but the parents refuse to do so. The Journal of Medical Ethics published an article on December 31 titled ‘Medically assisted gender affirmation: when children and parents disagree,’ which classifies the refusal to transition a

Medical Journal Says States Should Override Parents Who Refuse to “Transition” Children to Another Gender Read More »