“In her New York Post column Miranda Devine reports on ‘The migrant mess ruining NYC’s midtown.’ She identifies previously elite midtown hotels that are now housing illegal aliens at taxpayer expense: ‘The city is putting illegals up indefinitely in Midtown’s former luxury hotels, providing three free hot meals a day, baby formula, free clothing, free legal services, free health care and free education. The cost is reportedly close to $100,000 per room. But as it’s human nature not to appreciate what you are given for free rather than what you have worked for, some recipients of taxpayer largesse are biting the hand that feeds them. Take the Row Hotel. The new residents have been turning up their noses at the free food, with the result that almost a ton of perfectly good meals reportedly have been thrown out daily. A hotel worker earlier this month provided The Post with photos of trash bags full of untouched sandwiches and bagels that he said migrants refused to eat. Instead, they cook meals more to their liking on hot plates in their rooms, creating a serious fire hazard in the historic building. [New York Mayor Eric] Adams doesn’t appear to have any solutions apart from mildly complaining that he’s not getting enough money from the federal government. He estimates the Big Apple will need $2 billion extra and it could bankrupt New York City. For two years, the Biden administration has been secretly flying illegals into New York and busing them all over the city and the tristate area. With more than 250,000 illegal migrants crossing the southern border each month, plus another estimated 70,000 ‘gotaways’ who slip past the Border Patrol, cities all over the country have been inundated, but New York bears a larger burden than most because of the sanctuary status that Adams still trumpets.’”
“Camp of the Ain’ts,” PowerLine, Jan. 26, 2023