“In the midst of a pandemic and national social unrest, a collaboration of twenty-five churches associated with the local Ashland County Ministerial Association (ACMA) braved August heat asking forgiveness from God during a sacred assembly. State Rep. Darrell Kick, one of the assembly speakers, shared about a group of state lawmakers who hold Bible studies before casting their votes at the Statehouse. County Commissioner Emmitt Justice at assembly prayed, ‘I ask on behalf of the Commissioners and all the county officials that you would forgive us for the rebellion of the people of our land. We have all sinned.’ Ashland Mayor Matt Miller prayed, ‘As I stand before you tonight, in the bright light of his Son, to the extent I am able, I give this City of Ashland to the Lord Jesus Christ. May this be a land where He rules supreme. May this be a land where His love is genuinely felt by believers and non-believers alike.’ Miller stated he believed God’s mercy has shielded the community from COVID-19. Ashland County has posted minimal cases in the course of the pandemic. ‘The heart of this city is seeking God. I believe with all my heart that is why God has protected and blessed the City of Ashland during one of the most tumultuous times in my lifetime and the city’s history,’ the Mayor said. Joel Penton, the Executive Director of Lifewise Academy, prayed for the public schools during the gathering. Penton is partnering with ACMA to bring Bible education to all five public school districts in Ashland County. ‘For over two generations the Bible has been removed from the nation’s education system and now the country is reaping the harvest,’ Penton said. ‘However, an Ohio law passed in 2014 allows high school students to receive school credits for Bible classes. In fact, Van Wert, Ohio, has ninety-five percent of their elementary public school students taught from the Bible every week.’”
“Ashland becomes spiritual hot spot,” Front Lines Ohio, Aug. 26, 2020