Mayo Clinic Refuses Dying Patient Ivermectin

Daniel Pisano, 71, pictured with his wife, died at Mayo Clinic last week.

The Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, refused the family’s request to allow a Covid patient, Daniel Pisano, 71, to be treated with Ivermectin, though he was already near death and given less than 5% chance of survival, and though Ivermectin has a proven safety record when used properly. The family went to court in an attempt to have Dr. Eduardo Balbona treat Daniel with the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) protocol. (Balbona, former U.S. Capitol physician who treated members of Congress and the Supreme Court, has seen a lot of success with the FLCCC protocol.) The circuit court ruled against the family. Before a decision could be issued by the court of appeals, Pisano died on Jan. 21 (“Covid Patient … dies,” Jacksonville Insider, Jan. 24, 2022).

(Friday Church News Notes, February 4, 2022,, 866-295-4143)