Mary Quant, Fashion Designer

Mary Quant

The homosexual rights movement, which is encroaching on everyone else’s rights and producing persecution of professing Christians, was preceded by the feminist movement which was driven by unisex fashion. Before men were wearing dresses, women were wearing pants, and the female pioneers of this phenomenon knew that they were creating a revolution that would eventually destroy biblical morality in western culture. Consider Mary Quant, the revolutionary British fashion designer of the Beatles era. In 2019, the Victoria & Albert Museum in London had a major exhibit on Quant, inventor of the mini-skirt and hot pants. Mary understood that fashion is a language. The exhibit was a clothing exhibit, but the focus was revolution, liberation from biblical sexual mores, and breaking down the barriers between the sexes (unisex, androgyny). There was no attempt to hide this. Quant put women in men’s attire: pants, ties, suit jackets, and short hair. One display, entitled “Boys Will Be Girls,” stated that Quant “subverted menswear.” “Trousers are considered inappropriate for women [but] Quant wears them anywhere she wants.” Mary Quant knew that trousers on women is not an issue merely of comfort and freedom of movement. Following are some other quotes from the exhibition signage: “using fashion to question hierarchies and gender rules,” “a rebellious approach to established gender norms,” “mocking religion,” “an independent style,” “self-expression,” “freedom.” “The miniskirt became an international symbol of women’s liberation.” “Quant’s provocative styles reflected increasingly relaxed attitudes in society towards sexuality in all its forms, reinforced legally by the decriminalization of homosexuality in 1967.” Observe that this clothing exhibit directly connects unisex fashion with homosexual rights. The 1960s was a major changing of the times. It was the dawn of the era of color television, color printing, international mass marketing, global merchandising empires, and the music-driven international youth culture. Why does a Quant exhibit at a major art museum draw thousands of eager visitors? She helped create the modern ME culture, the “lovers of their own selves” generation prophesied in 2 Timothy 3:2. The music, the fashion, the entertainment, the commerce, it all broadcasts the ancient Satanic lie, “It’s your life; live as you please!” Mary Quant was smarter than those professing Christians who think that pants on women is a non-issue. It was a major issue in the 1960s, and it is a major issue today. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them” (Genesis 1:27). The masculinization of women is just as evil as the feminization of men. Woe be unto pastors who are silent in the face of this revolution!

(Friday Church News Notes, February 4, 2022,, 866-295-4143)