In October 2022, Instagram banned Students for Life at Auburn University for posting a simple announcement that “March for Life Sign-ups Are Live.” “‘We were banned permanently for a regular post promoting the March for Life,’ Samuel Hass, a board member of Students for Life at Auburn University, told Young America’s Foundation. ‘This is a scary reminder how much power these corporations wield over our lives,’ he continued. Unfortunately, these unilateral decisions by big tech companies have become increasingly common. Young America’s Foundation’s official account has been suspended by TikTok on multiple occasions simply for posting content that falls out of step with the Left’s gender ideology. This routine censorship of ideas that leftist corporations determine to be objectionable goes directly against the principle of the First Amendment and must be stopped” (“Pro-life Student Group Permanently Banned, Young America’s Foundation, Oct. 14, 2022).
(Friday Church News Notes, November 18, 2022,,, 866-295-4143)