The following is Pastor Clarence Sexton’s testimony about the funeral of Robert Trump, President Donald Trump’s brother, which was held on August 21. This statement is from the Sunday Morning service at Temple Baptist, Aug. 23, which is available online at SermonAudio. “My wife and I met the Trump family on Thursday afternoon and evening and then we went over to the White House on Friday for the funeral service. I had the opportunity to say anything that God put in my heart to say. I was able to give the gospel clearly, to talk about knowing Christ and who Christ is. And when I finished, the President and his family had the kindest things to say. I was invited by Robert Trump’s wife, Ann Marie. They have been watching our church services and listening to all that is going on here, and even praying for Catherine, my sister. And when I talked to Robert last before he went to be with the Lord, he said, ‘Pastor, I want you to know that I am praying with you for the revival I believe we must have in America,’ and my heart was stirred. He was a good man. He told me his faith was in Christ, and I praise God for that. I want you to continue to pray for them. Pray for our President; he is under lots of pressure. This is the loss of his baby brother and his best friend. I want you to pray that God will minister to his heart in the private, secret times of his life.”

CONCLUSION: We don’t know what Pastor Sexton preached at the funeral. Hopefully, he preached repentance toward God and faith toward Jesus Christ, as Paul did (Acts 20:21). And hopefully, Robert Trump’s faith in Christ was not a mere sinner’s prayer, but was a born again conversion that made him a new creature in Christ. That is the only genuine hope of heaven, as Christ Himself said, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3).
(Friday Church News Notes, September 4, 2020, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143)