A new book Critical Race Theory, Southern Baptist Convention, and a Marxist “Solution” That Will Not Work is available from Lighthouse Trails. Following is an excerpt: “In an article titled ‘You Can Be a Christian, You Can Be a Marxist, But You Can’t Be Both,’ Christian journalist Joshua Lawson explains: ‘Whereas traditional garden-variety Marxism views history as a struggle between the wealthy and the working class proletariat, neo-Marxism [i.e., cultural Marxism] cranks up the heat and redefines the fight to incorporate biological sex, race, ethnicity, and a whole gambit of various identity badges. The grand unifying principle for the Marxists behind the Black Lives Matter movement is that everything–and they mean everything–can be reduced to oppressors versus the oppressed. If you happen to be a member of one of the oppressor groups, then expect to see all sorts of punishments heading your way until the neo-Marxists are satisfied. Except they never are.’ When we begin to understand that Critical Theory is a Marxist/Leninist ideology that aspires to create a communistic society through revolution, we should also understand that the end result will eliminate freedom, justice, and democracy from all citizens. We should see that CT and CRT are not solutions to racism but rather are dangerous philosophies and vain deceits that will hurt people of all skin colors and where people of color are merely being used as pawns to promote a socialist agenda only to be later discarded.” Critical Race Theory, Southern Baptist Convention, and a Marxist “Solution” That Will Not Work is available from lighthousetrailsresearch.com.
(Friday Church News Notes, May 27, 2022, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143)