BLACK LIVES MATTER RIOTERS BURN BLACK BUSINESSES, BEAT A 71-YEAR-OLD MAN, MURDER A MAN WEARING A PATRIOT PRAYER HAT, DEMAND THAT DINERS RAISE A FIST, THREATEN A U.S. SENATOR WITH DEATH, CHANT “DEATH TO AMERICA,” EXPRESS DESIRE TO BURN DOWN THE WHITE HOUSE – “An elderly man was brutally attacked during a Black Lives Matter riot last night in Kenosha, Wisconsin, after he tried to stop a mattress store from being burned to the ground. Store owners Pamela Moniz and her husband, Keith McCoy, told Fox 6 News that the man was trying to chase them off with a fire extinguisher. ‘They broke his jaw’” (“Rioters Attack Elderly Man” The Daily Wire, Aug. 26, 2020). “Leftist activists cornered a woman at a restaurant in Washington, D.C., early this week and demanded that she give into their demands of joining them by raising her fist. Washington Post journalist Fredrick Kunkle captured the incident on video and shared it on social media, writing: ‘In a scene that played out several times Monday, a Black Lives Matter protest that began in Columbia Heights confronted White diners outside D.C. restaurants, chanting White silence is violence! and demanding White diners show their solidarity. In Adams Morgan, protesters screamed at Lauren B. Victor for several minutes for refusing to raise her fist with them.’ Federalist journalist John Davidson tweeted: ‘This is insane. These people don’t want to share a republic, they don’t want justice or peace, they don’t want a better world. They want to rule you.’ Leftist journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted: ‘This is repulsive. And has nothing whatsoever to do with the murder of George Floyd, the horrific shooting of Jacob Blake, or even police brutality generally. It’s about all sorts of other things besides that.’ Policy analyst Brian Riedl tweeted: ‘When I imagine a Democrat ascendancy over the next few decades, these intolerant, woke mobs scare me the most. I tell myself most Democrats are sane & moderate, but I fear these younger generations of Robespierres already dominating campuses, & someday fully conquering the Dems’” (“Black Lives Matter Activists Corner Woman,” The Daily Wire, Aug. 26, 2020). On the evening of August 28, a Black Lives Matter “defund the police” mob outside the White House attacked Senator Rand Paul and his wife and threatened his death. He said, “I truly believe this with every fiber of my being, had they gotten at us they would have gotten us to the ground, we might not have been killed, might just have been injured by being kicked in the head, or kicked in the stomach until we were senseless. If you defund the police, if America becomes Portland, what’s going to happen is people are going to be pummeled and kicked in the head and left senseless on the curb. I mean, we can’t walk down the street in D.C. safely now. That’s how bad it is” (“Rand Paul calls for FBI arrests, investigation,” Fox News, Aug. 28, 2020). The mob was chanting, “We’re not going to let you go alive unless you’ll say you’re for criminal justice reform,” meaning their kind of reform which will destroy law and order. In Chicago, Black Lives Matter organizer Ariel Atkins said she “100 percent” supports the violent looters who trashed the city and again called it “reparations.” She said, “The whole idea of criminality is based on racism anyway. I will support the looters till the end of the day” (“Winning Has Come Through Revolts,” WBEZ radio, Aug. 12, 2020). In a Black Lives Matter event in Washington, D.C. a BLM leader said, “I’m at the point where, I want to burn the White House down” (“BLM Activist,” The Daily Wire, Aug. 30, 2020). In Portland, Oregon, which has witnessed 100 days of Antifa/Black Lives Matter riots, a young white man wearing a Patriot Prayer hat was shot and killed. Retired Marine Gabriel Johnson, who lives nearby and heard the gunshots, said he was “appalled by all the people in the street celebrating” (“Fatal Portland shooting,” Fox News, Aug. 31, 2020). Johnson said, ‘What we’re seeing is that [Portland Mayor] Ted Wheeler and our city council, even our governor has created an atmosphere of lawlessness and this is the result of it. I hold the city and I hold the mayor responsible. This man’s death is on them.” On Aug. 26, in Oakland, California, about 700 Black Lives Matter protesters went on a destructive rampage chanting “Death to America” (@MrAndyNgo, Aug. 31, 2020).
(Friday Church News Notes, September 4, 2020, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143)