“In eastern Washington State, there is a waterfall, four times larger than the Niagara Falls. So why haven’t you all heard about this magnificent wonder of the world? Because there is no water going over the falls today. The whole jaw-dropping spectacle is dry–hence its name. Yet, it clearly used to be a waterfall. How was it formed, and why is it now dry? There was a devastating flood in the North West of the United States a long time ago. An inland lake, situated around Missoula, Montana, broke free, and the water poured west across Idaho and into east Washington, where it carved out enormous valleys, called coulees. Then the water flowed south into the Columbia River, where it carved out the Columbia Gorge–but that is another story. At one point, in the Grand Coulee, the water plunged over this cataract, which is nearly five miles wide, and has a drop of 400 feet. The waterfall must have been an awesome sight –even without water, it is impressive today. The depth of the plunge pools at the base of the falls give a measure of the power of the water. The Dry Falls were probably not wet falls for very long. They serve as a testimony to the fact that major geological changes in the Earth’s surface do not take millions of years, but can clearly be seen to be catastrophic–just as the Bible informs us in its account of the worldwide Flood. Ref: Oard, M.J. (2004), The Missoula Flood Controversy and the Genesis Flood (CRS).”
creationmoments.com, June 25, 2020