Charismatic Prophets Curse Coronavirus

Rodney Howard-Brown

On Feb. 24, 2020 Rodney Howard-Brown cursed the virus and said he had saved Florida. On Feb. 28, Shawn Bolz said, “The tide is turning now! It’s not going to be the pandemic that people are afraid of.” On March 4, Cindy Jacobs took “throne room authority” over the coronavirus and declared it illegal. On March 20, Kris Vallotton decreed that he had broken the power of the coronavirus. On March 20, Bill Johnson decreed that no Christian would get the virus. On March 21, Katt Kerr took authority over the coronavirus and commanded it to go away. On March 29, Kenneth Copeland declared “the coronavirus is over.” As of July 22, the coronavirus was credited with 622,464 deaths worldwide. (This is excerpted from the Museum of Idolatry,

(Friday Church News Notes, July 31, 2020,,, 866-295-4143)