Pentecostal Markets Healing from Hospital Bed

Todd Bentley in hospital

Todd Bentley, in the hospital for various ailments, is marketing “a rare resource” featuring prayers for healing. For just $25 you can “enjoy David Hunter, Lou Engle, Bob Jones, Todd Bentley prayers for healing, and more.” While you are at it, you could get his $99 seminar on miracles and healing. Bentley teaches that God guarantees healing and claims that thousands have been healed at his meetings (included several bodily resurrections, which is no small thing). In 2008, Bentley led the four-month long “Lakeland Outpouring” in central Florida, a supposed miracle revival, with Bentley slamming people on the forehead, shoving them, flinging the Holy Spirit, yelling “Blah, blah, blah, blah,” crying out, “Come and get some,” and staggering around like a drunk. He kicked an elderly lady in the face, banged a crippled woman’s legs on the platform, kneed a man in the stomach, and hit another man so hard that a tooth popped out. The show ended with the revelation that the evangelist had destroyed his marriage by an adulterous relationship with a female staffer. My friends, God has given us clear instructions in Scripture about healing, and James 5 does not describe a raucous “healing crusade.” We believe in divine healing for today, but we don’t believe in Pentecostal showmen who pretend to have apostolic healing gifts that they clearly do not possess. See “I Believe in Miracles”.

(Friday Church News Notes, July 31, 2020,,, 866-295-4143)