Genesis 1:24
“And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.”

I recently saw a query on Quora – the question-asking-and-answering social media website – which asked: “Why do frogs go ribbit?” The answer is that most don’t. This is a peculiarity specific to the Pacific tree frog on the west coast of the United States, but, of course, this area includes Hollywood, where movies are made, so Hollywood’s recordings have made it seem as if this is the common sound of frogs.
But I live in Washington State. On my property, I have a large semi-wild pond. And during the mating season of the Pacific tree frogs, they make a considerable amount of noise at night.
At dusk, one male might start the chorus, but pretty soon they are all singing “ribbit” as they try to lure the females to the pond. Apparently, the females like this croaking sound and approach the water. They hide their eggs under vegetation, and tadpoles hatch in about two weeks. Tadpoles undergo metamorphosis in about two to three months. They even stop feeding for a short time while their mouths widen, and their whole digestive system alters from herbivorous tadpoles to carnivorous frogs.
Why would these frogs evolve this complex and risky system of change that involves not only their appearance but their internal organs, too – even to the risk of fasting during their change? All these complex traits are difficult to explain without understanding that God made them this way.