When Dinosaurs Roamed

Genesis 7:11

“In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.”

K-Pg boundary in Colorado, US

One day, a world full of dinosaurs was about to come to an end. Whistling through space was a large meteor, destined to strike the Earth. Burning through the atmosphere, it hit the Earth in Mexico, at the Yucatán Peninsula. The impact sent up a cloud of dust, containing a great deal of iridium from the asteroid, which settled and was trapped as a layer in Earth’s sediments. The darkness and cold from the impact caused most of the planet’s wildlife to die and caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. At least, that is the most popular tale told by evolutionists. But this evolutionary myth contains a large number of holes.

The sedimentary layer containing the iridium is at what is known as the K-Pg boundary – that boundary between Cretaceous and Paleogene sediments. But there is too much iridium to be explained by one asteroid. And this event would be expected to have produced many dinosaur fossils just below this boundary. But most are at least nine feet below the boundary – a depth which evolutionists would date as 100,000 years before the extinction. The dinosaur fossil discovered closest to the boundary was still seven inches too low – about 5,000 supposed evolutionary years.

Iridium is produced by volcanoes. The Flood began with the Fountains of the Deep, which we would suggest means massive volcanic activity, which better explains the K-Pg iridium. Dinosaur fossils, too, are explained by sediment overtaking the fleeing creatures.
