Twitter Executive Who is Censoring President Trump is Massively Biased against Conservative Political Views

Yoel Roth

Twitter’s “Head of Site Integrity,” Yoel Roth, boasts of being in charge of “developing and enforcing” Twitter’s censoring rules. Twitter placed a warning label on two of President Trump’s tweets concerning mail-in balloting on May 26 and a tweet about the racial violence in Minneapolis on May 29. Roth should not be in charge of such things. He is a braggart who is incredibly biased against conservative thinking. “Roth has previously referred to Trump and his team as ‘ACTUAL NAZIS,’ mocked Trump supporters by saying that ‘we fly over those states that voted for A RACIST TANGERINE for a reason.’ Roth compared senior Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels” (“Twitter exec,” Fox News, May 27, 2020). Roth has no business doing this type of thing, but, in fact, no one at Twitter should be censoring political speech. Who has appointed Twitter as a speech censor or “fact checker”? Our concern here is not politics. Our concern is freedom of speech in an age when the majority of social media is owned by a few extremely biased, activist-oriented, anti-Christian companies. If they will censor the President of the United States, they will definitely censor you.

(Friday Church News Notes, June 5, 2020,,, 866-295-4143)