“Then shall ye also appear with him in glory” (Col. 3:4). This is resurrection glory. “Solomon in all his glory” (Lu. 12:27) was but a tiny foreview of the glory of Christ. It is the glory of thrones and palaces and paradise gardens. It is the glory of being delivered from mortality to immortality, of no more sickness, pain, aging, death. It is the glory of being released from the bondage of corruption to the liberty of the sons of God (Ro. 8:18-23). It is the glory of being delivered from “the old man.” It is the glory of shining (“Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father,” Mt. 13:43). It is the glory of everlasting joy (Isa. 35:10). It is the glory of mighty angels and cherubims and seraphims (Mt. 16:27; Lu. 9:26). It is the glory of ruling with Christ (Mt. 19:26; Re. 3:21; 5:10). It is the glory of heaven and of Christ’s millennial kingdom and of the New Jerusalem. The doctrine of glory is a major theme of Bible prophecy, and God’s people are to be better and better educated in these things. This is in great contrast to the condition of so many churches that are largely ignorant of Bible prophecy and aren’t well informed of the glory that is just on the horizon of life. No wonder that the members of such churches have their affection set on things on the earth rather than things above!
Way of Life Commentary Series, The Prison Epistles