The Way of Life Commentary Series

We currently have verse-by-verse commentaries on 36 books of the Bible in the following volumes: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Minor Prophets, Romans, Corinthians, Prison epistles, Thessalonian Epistles, Pastoral Epistles, Hebrews, General Epistles, Revelation. The interpretation is from a literal, dispensational perspective. The King James Bible is explained and illuminated but not criticized. The New Testament church is given priority as the pillar and ground of the truth and the headquarters for world evangelism. There is no hint of modernism or influence from compromised evangelicalism. The user will find no reference to or dependence upon men such as Origen, Jerome, Augustine, C.S. Lewis, Eberhard Nestle, or Bruce Metzger.

SOME FEEDBACK FROM READERS: “These commentaries are chock-full of vital informative truths, Biblically sound doctrine and prophetic insights that are written in easy-to-understand language. The Fundamentalist Digest editor highly commends these books” (Don Jasmin). “I’m in one room reading Isaiah with your commentary, while my wife is at her desk reading Ezekiel with your commentary. We can both say, with zero doubt, that there is no commentary on earth that we trust more than yours–and we’ve seen (and own) several others of great renown.” “I love your commentary series. I eagerly await the release of each new title! We usually buy them in bulk as there are others in our church who are collecting the set. They are simply excellent. So good to have commentaries that are based on an uncompromising position. I pray God gives you the strength and ability to finish the rest of the Bible. We need them!” “There is not a single Christian author/commentator that I trust and respect more than you. I am extremely excited about your full Bible commentary.” “I am getting a lot out of your commentary on Revelation. I have about 10 commentaries or so and yours stands out so far as the best from my reading to date. Thank you for these excellent resources.” “Everything you write seems to have the Spirit of God behind it, and nothing is as exceptional as your commentary on the General Epistles. I’ve only finished going through the first 13 verses of 1 Peter and you have already handled depression, angels, heaven, election, holiness and our glorified bodies in such a deeply profound manner that it’s as if I had never studied those issues before (as a 35 year Christian and zealous student of Scripture).” “I want to thank you for your book on the Minor Prophets. I was reading your commentary of Habakkuk yesterday and was blessed to the foundation of my soul. Thank you for the time and study you put into providing the Christian world with such tremendous tools of understanding and enlightenment.”

(Friday Church News Notes, May 27, 2022,, 866-295-4143)