The Glories of the Bible

The Bible is a whole university. There is more wisdom in the Bible than all the universities of the world. It contains the best theology, the best history (and the key to understanding history), the best philosophy (Ecclesiastes, Job), the best anthropology, the best natural philosophy, the best social science, the best apologetics, the best prophecy. The Bible is a paradise. Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania is 1077 acres or 1.6 sq. miles. It has indoor and outdoor flowers, ponds, a five acre fountain garden with 1700 fountain jets, an Italian water garden. It has lovely colors, sweet smells, and fascinating wildlife. It is delightful, but the Bible is a much more delightful paradise. The Bible is a treasure mine filled with silver and gold and jewels. Yea, it is “better than thousands of gold and silver” (Ps. 119:72). The Bible is a feast for the mind and soul. Shady Maple in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, has 200 feet of buffet tables, with cheese bar, soups, all sorts of meats (beef, pork, chicken, salmon), flavored breads, southern style vegetables, breakfast cooked to order, Amish style cakes and pies. But the Bible is a much greater feast! It is spiritual milk and honey, bread and meat. God Himself is the greatest treasure, and He is the theme of Scripture. To know Him is the greatest delight; to feed on Him is the greatest feast; the knowledge of Him is the greatest wisdom.

(Friday Church News Notes, March 5, 2021,,, 866-295-4143)