“Our Bible is both a book and a library. This library must not be measured merely by number of words, but by its depth of truth, by its breadth and fulness, by its superiority and finality. The Bible may seem very small against the imposing shelves of many a large library, yet with this one volume in our hand we may stand within the largest library on earth and truthfully say that all the tens of thousands of books therein collected cannot teach us more about the fundamental realities of the universe and of human life than we learn in these Scriptures. To struggle through hundreds of the profoundest and most erudite of other books, whether ancient or modern, and yet remain ignorant of this book, is infinite deprivation; whereas to know no other volume but this is to be made wise unto salvation, and to be furnished with a knowledge of fundamental realities which comes to us stamped with Divine certainty.”
J. Sidlow Baxter’s Explore the Book