“Rock folds always seem to me to make interesting photographs. When I lived in South Wales, there were some very fine examples in the cliffs on the Vale of Glamorgan coast. For the most part, the rock layers seem to run parallel to the beach. Then, suddenly, they bend away, upwards or downwards, in dramatic sweeps. In these bends, the rock layers continue to run parallel. Standard traditional geology suggests that the layers would have been horizontal when originally formed. The existence of the folds, however, causes more problems for traditional geologists who rely on millions of years for all their explanations. The Encyclopedia Britannica says: “The long linear folds that are characteristic of mountainous regions are believed to have resulted from compressional forces acting parallel to the surface of Earth and at right angles to the fold.” However, it is not difficult to imagine what large compressional forces would do to rock layers. Rocks are not malleable, so the eventual result of such forces would be to crack the layers–and, indeed, such cracks can be found. Parallel bending does not make a lot of sense in a deep-time scenario. Suppose, instead, that the layers had been recently formed early in the Flood, and forces were applied towards the end of the Flood to layers which were still plastic and had not hardened. These would bend together in parallel folds. The biblical Flood provides the best explanation for how rocks could bend! Author: Paul F. Taylor. Ref: Encyclopedia Britannica.”
CreationMoments.com, Sept. 29, 2021