The resurrection fern is an air plant that is common in the southeastern part of the United States. Typically it attaches itself to the branches of large trees such as live oaks and draws nutrients from the air and the tree’s bark. It gets its name from the fact that God has designed it to survive long periods of drought by appearing nearly dead and then springing to life when the rain comes. In the absence of water, its attractive, bright green leaves wither up and turn brownish. On a visit to the Myakka State Park in central Florida in December 2012, the fern was in its “dead mode.” I took a photo of it in that condition on a particular tree branch, then poured several bottles of water on it. When I returned the next morning, it had resurrected! This fascinating, and exceedingly complicated plant (imagine what is happening at the cellular level to allow this plant to live, survive, and reproduce), is a reminder that Jesus, the Son of God, rose from the dead the third day after His sacrifice whereby He was punished in the sinner’s place to purchase eternal salvation for those who receive Him as Lord and Saviour. The resurrection fern also illustrates the new birth. When an individual is born again by repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, he is given the gift of eternal life. In this present world, the child of God can grow weak spiritually and temporarily backslide, but the life of God cannot be extinguished, and as soon as the soul is watered with the Word of God it will flourish. This is the reality and evidence of salvation. God’s world is filled to the brim with testimonies of His power and wisdom for those who have eyes to see. When I travel to beautiful places in various parts of the world, which I have the great privilege to do frequently, I can enjoy the things the unbeliever enjoys, such as the scenery and the facilities, but I have so much more enjoyment on so many different levels because of God’s Word and God’s enlightenment. I can see and marvel at His handiwork and praise Him for His character, because I know Him personally. I see clearly what is happening today, and I also see the future through Bible prophecy. I understand that this present world is nothing compared to that which is to come. I can meditate upon that world and my place in it!
(Friday Church News Notes, June 18, 2021, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143)