#WalkAway, a movement of former Democrats who have “walked away” from the party, are conducting Rescue America rallies across the country. Hundreds participated in the rally in Hollywood, California, on August 8. One of the speakers, Shameka Michelle, lambasted a white male Black Lives Matter counter-protester: “I don’t need you to tell me my life matters. I don’t need your privilege to tell me or to justify who I am in America. This is my country. This is my land. My ancestors built this country, so I’m gonna walk around here as bold as I want to. And I don’t have to have you to cosign and tell me my life matters. That right there insinuates that your voice is bigger and better than mine. You are supporting an organization that does not like black men. And as a black woman, I can tell you how important black men are to the black family; without them we are nothing. We kill more black babies than are born every year. You said ‘Black Lives Matter’; what about black lives in the womb? They don’t matter? They don’t matter? So how are you pushing an organization that doesn’t care?” #WalkAway founder Brandon Starka said, “We’re doing these rallies because we wanted to show the radical left who’s been smashing windows, committing acts of violence, committing acts of vandalism they do not own America’s streets. We’re going to fight for the heart and soul of America, so this is our third one. Next week we’ll be in Milwaukee and we’ll basically be doing ‘Rescue America’ rallies around the country for now through the end of the year. We’re a movement of people who are walking away from the Democratic party. We’re walking away from the ideology of liberalism, the liberal media…basically, we want to live in a country with peace and civility…truthfulness, kindness and again, we’re not getting that from the political left so we’re walking away from the Democrats” (“Hundreds gather,” The Blaze, Aug. 9, 2020).
(Friday Church News Notes, August 14, 2020, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143)