“Ecumenism is ripe and real and many apostate Protestant denominations and churches are headed right back to the harlot they were born from — Rome. On February 29 in Calvin’s Cathedral in Geneva, Switzerland, Protestants and Catholics for the first time will celebrate mass together after the mass has been banned from the Cathedral for centuries. The following was translated from protestinfo.ch. In August 1535, the mass was abolished in Geneva after iconoclasts devastated Saint-Pierre cathedral by breaking statues and slashing images that were not in accordance with the newly reformed ‘cult.’ Since then, no mass has taken place in the building, used for Protestant worship. This long dearth will end on Saturday, February 29, 2020, with a mass celebrated, at 6.30 p.m., by Pascal Desthieux, episcopal vicar for the canton of Geneva. … ‘There was no opposition, which is significant. The idea appealed because it corresponds to our desire to make the cathedral a meeting place for all Geneva Christians. A space that transcends confessional boundaries,’ says Daniel Pilly, president of the Parish Council. ‘It is a signal that the climate in Geneva is extremely favorable and fertile with the Roman Catholic Church. We have made notable progress in terms of ecumenism, in particular with the Joint Declaration, signed in 2017, which recognizes our respective ministries,’ specifies Emmanuel Fuchs, president of the Protestant Church in Geneva.”
“Protestants and Catholics,” Reformation Charlotte, Feb. 17, 2020