“The nonprofit law firm Alliance Defending Freedom UK (ADF UK) reports their client, Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, has been arrested for the second time for the ‘offense’ of silently praying within an abortion facility censorship zone or ‘buffer zone.’ Her arrest comes just weeks after being acquitted by a UK court for the same violation. Vaughan-Spruce was arrested again on Monday outside the BPAS Robert Clinic in Birmingham. Her exchange with two police officers was captured in a video clip that was released on social media by ADF UK. In the 46-second video several police officers approach her. One officer asks her, ‘Can I please ask you to step away from here and step outside the exclusion zone?’ Vaughan-Spruce replied, ‘But I’m not protesting. I’m not engaging in any of the activities prohibited.’ ‘But you said you were engaging in prayer which is the offense,’ the officer responded. ‘Silent prayer,’ Vaughan-Spruce counters. ‘No, but you were still engaging in prayer. It is an offense,’ the officer explained. Although two police officers are seen in the video clip, the ADF UK said six police officers were involved in Vaughan-Spruce’s arrest on Monday.”
“UK Pro-Life Arrested Again,” CBN News, Mar. 7, 2023