Pastor Attacked by Antifa in Portland

“If you wondered what it would look like when Nazi brown shirts went after the churches in Germany, wonder no more: it probably looked like Portland on Saturday when black bloc-outfitted antifa thugs burst into a waterfront prayer event featuring persecuted Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski. ‘Where is your God, now?’ taunted one of the attackers. Portland Police observed as the terrorist group bear-sprayed parents and their kids, lobbed ‘flash bombs’ into the sparse crowd, and reportedly threw the group’s sound equipment into the Willamette River. Pastor Pawlowski is known for being arrested and jailed in May for hosting in-person church services in defiance of local pandemic diktats in Calgary. Pawlowski, who fled from a communist country, famously ordered health inspectors and police from his church, calling them brown shirts and Nazis. Antifa watcher and author Andy Ngo curated some of the video from the event showing the attack, the destruction, and the injuries. ‘Shocking video recorded in Portland show a large group of antifa carrying shields & weapons move in to attack & shut down a family Christian prayer & worship event on the waterfront. Police did not intervene.’”

“Portland Cops Do Nothing,” PJMedia, Aug. 8, 2021