“The Church of England now has its first ‘non-binary’ priest in its ranks. Originally trained in the Diocese of Durham and ordained in 2020, Vicar Bingo Allison has since joined the Diocese of Liverpool. Allison has praised the diocese’s openness and welcoming attitude: “it does so much to support and empower LGBT people.” Allison, 36, grew up in a family of deep faith in which homosexuality, in accordance with biblical teaching, was considered a sin. Seven years ago, however, Allison reportedly had an ‘epiphany’ after reading Genesis: ‘There’s space in God’s creation for change and transformation, just because you’re created one way doesn’t mean that you can’t live another.’ Self-identifying as ‘gender-queer’ and using the pronouns they/them, the vicar is married to a woman and has three children. Allison admits that this ‘revelation’ seven years ago was not very easy for his wife. Today, Allison uses social media for activism by wearing heavy makeup and using the slogan ‘Jesus loves sparkly eyeshadow’ in videos.”
“First Non-Binary,” The European Conservative, Jan. 5, 2023