Contemporary Christian Music is a dangerous bridge to the world and to the “broader church” with all of its ancient and end-time heresies. We have given irrefutable evidence of that in various reports, books, and video presentations. We have also demonstrated that Lancaster Baptist Church of Lancaster, California, is at the forefront of popularizing Contemporary Christian Music among Independent Baptists. A pastor recently sent the following testimony: “I agree with you that Lancaster has had an undeniable influence on music in Independent Baptist churches. Pastors who ignore or even deny it have their head ‘stuck in the sand.’ This influence is even noticed here in Canada. This past September a national IFB preachers conference was held at a church in British Columbia where the pastor is a West Coast graduate. Though I was not in attendance, I did watch via livestream and was saddened to see contemporary music and worship styles so clearly flaunted in a group that is generally the most conservative in Canada.” For multimedia education on these issues, see the video presentations “CCM: A Bridge to Dangerous Waters” and “Lancaster’s Role in the Downgrade.”
(Friday Church News Notes, November 18, 2022,,, 866-295-4143)