“Attorneys for Pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church prevailed in yet another hearing today in Los Angeles Superior Court, arguing that MacArthur and the Church are entitled to a full trial on the merits of their challenge to the constitutionality of the government shut-down orders and the preliminary injunction. Los Angeles County has sought to shut down the church and hold MacArthur in contempt, but Thomas More Society attorneys argued that a final determination on the constitutionality of the orders must occur before the county could seek contempt against MacArthur for merely holding church. Thomas More Society Special Counsel Charles LiMandri stated, ‘This ruling prevents Los Angeles County’s attempted rush to judgment in its continued prosecution of Pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church for courageously exercising their First Amendment rights. We are very gratified that the judge’s ruling today reflects that he appreciates the importance of the constitutionally protected rights at issue in this case.’ MacArthur declared, ‘We are holding church. The Lord Jesus requires us to meet together and we will continue to do that because we are commanded to and because it is our right. I’m very grateful to Judge Beckloff for providing full due process and recognizing the importance of these constitutional protections. The reality is that the county cannot show that their order is even rational, much less necessary. They have also applied their orders arbitrarily and discriminatorily against churches and we enjoy a heightened protection in America to hold church. I’ll continue to stand firm and we will continue to fight to protect religious freedom for the church.’”
“Another MacArthur Victory,” Reformation Charlotte, Sept. 24, 2020