If this spreads to other states, this type of legislation could have a significant impact in overturning the power of the public school system. The following is excerpted from “West Virginia Supreme Court overturns circuit court,” Fox News, Oct. 7, 2022: “The West Virginia Supreme Court reversed a previous circuit court injunction on the Hope Scholarship Program, opening the door for families across the state to access flexible educational opportunities. Back in July, Kanawha Circuit Judge Joanna Tabit shot down the scholarship program offering public money for private education, calling it unconstitutional. However, the West Virginia Supreme Court held that the program is indeed constitutional. Therefore, the program can provide money to students leaving the public school system for either charter, private, religious, or home-schooling. Benefactors of the scholarship program receive up to $4,300 per year to leave the public school system.”
(Friday Church News Notes, October 14, 2022, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143)