Gender-Altering Procedures on Children

“Gender medical treatment for children has seen a staggering spike in recent years. In the U.S. alone, more than 50 pediatric clinics perform or refer out for procedures, including surgery, that could leave young patients unable to have children of their own. Now, a surprising move by the American Academy of Pediatrics may be putting the brakes on such radical measures. It comes in the wake of criticism from parents and professionals, plus a significant shift in direction overseas. In July, the United Kingdom stunned many when it closed its Tavistock Centre, the country’s gender clinic for children. The shutdown came after an independent review found shaky scientific evidence for pushing hormones, puberty blockers, and surgery. Now, a class action lawsuit against Tavistock is launching with potentially up to a thousand affected families joining. Barrister Thomas Goodhead is leading the suit and told Times Radio,  ‘I think this is going to be one of the largest medical negligence scandals of all time.’ In the U.S., social media protests over pediatric gender clinics have taken off, prompting places like the Boston Children’s Hospital to remove videos explaining its surgeries. On Monday, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) appeared to backpedal, saying that for the vast majority of children it does not recommend medical treatment or surgery. In 2018, it called the watchful waiting method, which delays medical treatment, an outdated approach. Many parents are rising up by seeking support in parent groups or becoming politically active after witnessing how gender medicine has harmed their children. Doctors are also speaking out in professional groups like SEGM [Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine].”

“American Academy of Pediatrics,” CBN News, Aug. 24, 2022