Feed the Flock: Expository Bible Preaching is an extensive course that deals with the importance of preaching; the call of preaching; the necessity of the proper training of preachers; the preacher as a student; the characteristics of biblical preaching; the definition and benefit of expository preaching; planning the message; preparing the message; preaching the message; interpretation, illustration, and application; and following up the message. The course includes a 38-point “Preacher’s Evaluation Checklist” that we use to train preachers. The focus is on expository preaching, the goal of which is simply to let the verse or passage speak by drawing out the main lessons and then explaining and applying those lessons to the daily living experience of the audience. Expository preaching is letting a passage speak the message that God put there. A young preacher recently wrote, “I thank the Lord for you. The training in expository preaching has been, perhaps, the greatest blessing in my life. This has been a very great blessing for my personal studies and message preparing too.” There is a free video series on The Preacher’s Preaching at www.wayoflife.org.
(Friday Church News Notes, April 30, 2021, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org , 866-295-4143)