Critical Race Theory claims that America is racist to the core, and the evidence keeps piling up. Kamala Harris is the nation’s first black vice president, and Linda Thomas-Greenfield, newly appointed American ambassador to the United Nations, is a black woman. Thomas-Greenfield recently told Al Sharpton’s National Action Network (NAN) that “the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles.” There can be no doubt that a black woman becoming an American ambassador is clear evidence of the nation’s systemic racism. Consider further evidence: There have been 25 minority race governors and lieutenant governors in U.S. states. 162 blacks have served in the U.S. Congress. The 116th Congress (2019) was the most racially diverse in the nation’s history with 116 non-white members. America has more than 6,000 black public officials. About 330 of America’s cities have black mayors, including many cities in the South (e.g., Atlanta, GA; Baton Rouge, LA; Birmingham, AL; Augusta, GA; Shreveport, LA; Jackson, MS). 39 of the 100 largest American cities have black mayors; 40% of them serve in cities that do not have black majority populations. Black women lead seven of the nation’s largest cities. From 2009 to 2017, a black man held office as the 44th president of the United States. He was elected to two terms though blacks only formed 13% of the population. A majority of the total votes nationwide for this black man were cast by whites. About 30% of America’s police nationwide are non-white. America has spent trillions of dollars in support of non-white “minority” communities. Further, that America has a lot of black millionaires, such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, is clear evidence that it is systemically racist.
(Friday Church News Notes, April 23, 2021, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org , 866-295-4143)