“Alberta is using common sense. The province is satisfied with the vaccine uptake among its citizens, and COVID-19 is losing special status. ‘On Wednesday, Premier Jason Kenney’s government took a bold step and announced that quarantines are no longer mandatory for anyone who tests positive for the virus beginning on July 29th. Nearly 75.6 percent of eligible Albertans have now received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine, and 64.3 percent are fully immunized. In the coming weeks, Alberta’s health system will take steps to make sure that it is ready to support all patients, including those with COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses, like influenza, which health officials expect to increase this year’ (citing ‘Adapting Covid-19 measures,’ alberta.ca, July 28, 2021). Asymptomatic testing is now discouraged. This is the recommendation for all other respiratory viruses and what many areas of Sweden recommended from the start. Contact tracing will be limited to high-risk settings, and health officials will concentrate on surges in infections with severe outcomes. Mandatory masking in schools and in public will end on August 16.”
“Alberta Declares,” PJMedia, July 30, 2021