“The new data shows that 14.9 marriages per 1,000 ended in divorce in 2019, a rate that is the lowest it’s been since 1970, according to an analysis by author Wendy Wang, director of research for the Institute for Family Studies. It’s even slightly less than in 1970 when it was 15.0, Wang wrote in an online analysis. The data is derived from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. The drop in the divorce rate likely will continue, despite the pandemic, Wang asserted. New data from the American Family Survey shows that 58 percent of married Americans say ‘the pandemic has made them appreciate their spouse more and half agree that their commitment to marriage has deepened,’ Wang wrote. But the Census data also has some bad news for the nation: The marriage rate continued to decline in 2019, hitting an all-time low. ‘For every 1,000 unmarried adults in 2019, only 33 got married. This number was 35 a decade ago in 2010 and 86 in 1970,’ Wang wrote.”
“U.S. Divorce Rate,” Christian Headlines, Nov. 11, 2020