Disney Market Free-Fall

“David Ng at Breitbart is reporting that The Walt Disney Company has lost a whopping $63 billion in market capitalization over the past two months. ‘Shares of Disney have plummeted 23.5 percent since the start of March, falling from $145.70,’ Ng writes. ‘Market cap is down $62.6 billion, from $265.3 to $202.7 billion.’ Disney’s stock has performed poorly over the past several months, dropping 30% over the past year. Much, though not all, of this stems directly from Disney’s decision to speak out on Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill, which the legislature passed into law and Gov. Ron DeSantis signed at the end of March. The Democrats and their willing accomplices in the media falsely dubbed it the ‘Don’t Say Gay Bill,’ which triggered the LGBTQ lobby among Disney cast members to pressure CEO Bob Chapek to stick the company’s nose into the state’s business. [Since Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law merely forbids public schools from teaching transsexualism to children from kindergarten to third grade, Disney is calling for homosexual indoctrination of the youngest children.] On top of Disney’s newfound woke activism, the public found out that some of Disney’s creative executives are dedicated to doubling down on LGBTQ content for kids and families. All of this wokeness on Disney’s part has backfired, to the point where CEOs of other companies of all sizes are viewing Disney’s antics as an example of what not to do.”

“Disney’s Market,” PJMedia, May 4, 2022