Devious Fungus

“Parasites, especially fungi, are usually written off by evolutionary biologists as simple, primitive organisms. However, whether they choose to recognize the Creator or not, biologists are learning that nothing in God’s creation is simple or primitive. Parasites seem to display some of the cleverest planning or scheming–depending on your point of view–in all creation. A parasitic fungus that infects a roadside weed called catchfly seems to do nothing harmful to the plant. After infection, a profusion of white blossoms will open–even a few weeks earlier than normal. Bees and butterflies will arrive to collect the grains from the flowers. However, the grains they are spreading aren’t pollen but fungus spores. The fungus has not only turned female flowers into males but has transformed the stamens into spore factories. This is not the only trick played by the fungus. It also coaxes the catchfly into producing far more flowers than usual, making the plants it infects more attractive than surrounding catchflies. As a result, pollinators come first to the infected flowers before going to the uninfected plants. This is but one example among many showing that nothing from God’s hand is carelessly done. Author: Paul A. Bartz. Ref: Cowen, Ron. 1990. ‘Parasite power,’ Science News, v. 138, October 6. p. 200.”, December 2, 2020