Delta Not Top Cause of Death

“As Townhall managing editor Spencer Brown reported Tuesday, the much-ballyhooed Delta variant, despite causing a rise in cases, isn’t even among the top several causes of death in the United States.  ‘For the week ending July 23, the 7-day moving average of new deaths was 223. Mortality data from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics and the American Heart Association put the daily death averages–calculated by taking the latest available annual numbers and dividing by 365–in perspective that ought to calm our panic-inciting experts, lockdown- and mandate-prone officials, and their media allies. For example, each day 2,380 Americans die from cardiovascular disease–405 per day due to strokes alone. More than 1,680 Americans sadly lose their battle with cancer each day. 474 die from unintentional or accidental injuries. 332 die from Alzheimer’s. 240 lives end due to complications from diabetes.’”

“Kristi Noem Throttles CDC on Revised Masking Guidance,” Townhall, July 27, 2021

CONCLUDING NOTE: There is no vaccination against death, but there is God’s gift of salvation in Jesus Christ for those who repent and believe. “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

(Friday Church News Notes, August 6, 2021,, 866-295-4143)