“Neurosurgeon and former HUD Secretary Ben Carson on Sunday called Critical Race Theory ‘a bunch of garbage,’ saying it would redefine what American society ‘is based on.’ Carson made the comments during an Independence Day interview with Newsmax’s Eric Bolling, who began by asking Carson to define CRT. ‘It’s an attempt to use race as a mechanism for redefining our society, redefining what it was based on, and how it impacts everybody,’ Carson said. ‘And it wants our people to believe that your race is the most critical determinant of who you are and what happens to you in our society. In other words, it’s a bunch of garbage.’ Britannica says Critical Race Theorists ‘hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.’ Critical Race Theory, Carson said, is dividing America. ‘Our country is a magnificent place,’ Carson said. ‘It can’t be destroyed by Russia or China, or Iran or North Korea. But it can be destroyed from within–there’s no question about that. That’s what Jesus meant when he said a house divided cannot stand. Lincoln reiterated that, and we need to recognize that we, the American people, are not enemies. America’s schools, Carson said, are changing–for the worse–what America’s youth believe about the country. ‘It was Vladimir Lenin who said, Give me your children, to teach for four years, and the seeds that I plant will never be uprooted,’ Carson said. Supporters of CRT, he said, ‘know the importance of getting into the school systems, and indoctrinating the young people, and that will have a permanent effect.’ ‘They’ve been taught to hate the United States and hate who we are. If they were taught the true history, they would recognize that this is a time to celebrate who we are, and particularly in the black community. When I was a kid growing up, it was a big deal when some black person came on television in a non-servant role. And now you have black admirals and generals and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and presidents of universities – even Ivy League schools, a black president, black vice president. I mean, give me a break!’”
“Critical Race Theory,” ChristianHeadlines.com, July 6, 2021