“One old staunch Pretrib Preacher used the old song’s ‘Is It the Crowning Day?’ to make a point about prophecy. The song goes, ‘Jesus may come today, Glad day! Glad day! And I would see my friend; Dangers and troubles would end If Jesus should come today. Glad day! Glad day! Is it the crowning day? I’ll live for today, nor anxious be, Jesus, my Lord, I soon shall see; Glad day! Glad day! Is it the crowning day?’ To drive home the point that only the pre-trib view is consistent with imminency, he loved to point out that if prewrath/mid-tribers or post-tribers sang this song they would have to say, ‘Jesus can’t come today, Sad day! Sad day! And I won’t see my friend; Dangers and troubles won’t end Because Jesus can’t come today. Sad day! Sad day! Today is not the crowning day? I won’t live for today, and anxious I’ll be, The Beast and the False Prophet I soon shall see, Sad day! Sad day! Today is not the crowning day.’ The Pre-Trib view is the only view that honestly holds that Jesus could come today. It is the Biblical view of the rapture!”
Pastor Steve Rogers