Christians Arrested for Singing Hymns Outdoors

Gabriel Rench led away in handcuffs.

“It seems Moscow, Idaho, is going the way of its Soviet namesake, arresting a group of unmasked Christians who had peaceably assembled outside the city hall to sing psalms and protest an extension of the city’s masking order. On Wednesday, Moscow’s Christ Church announced that a ‘Psalm Sing’ would be held outside city hall that afternoon. On Tuesday, the city council extended the mandatory masking order, set to expire on October 6, until January, despite the fact there have been no deaths, or even hospitalizations, due to the COVID-19 virus in Latah County. According to local reports, more than 150 people were in attendance at the gathering to sing psalms and hymns–in beautiful four-part harmony, I might add–though Pastor Douglas Wilson believes the number was closer to 300. Fifteen minutes into the gathering–during the very first song–police began to arrest the peaceful psalm singers for failing to wear masks as mandated by the Moscow City Council. Latah County commission candidate and host of the CrossPolitic show Gabriel Rench was led away in handcuffs as the group sang, ‘Some always trust in chariots, others trust in horses, but we recall our Lord and God,’ lifting their voices to proclaim Psalm 20. David Shannon, aka Chocolate Knox, said on the CrossPolitic show that Moscow police stood by and did nothing when Black Lives Matter held a Defund the Police rally in July–in front of the police station–violating both masking and social distancing orders. ‘No one was arrested,’ he said. ‘No one. Zero people.’”

“Idaho Christians Arrested,” PJ Media, Sep. 24, 2020