China is a totalitarian state and an avowed enemy of God, but the Communists seem to have better understanding of the danger of video games than a lot of Christian parents. The following is excerpted from “China limiting kids’ online gaming,” The Washington Times, Aug. 30, 2021: “China is banning children from playing online games Monday through Thursday and will allow them to play only 3 hours each week over concerns about addiction, according to China’s National Press and Publication Administration. The new restrictions on children’s video game playing will take effect Wednesday and will force companies to limit children’s access to an hour each day on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and certain holidays. The companies will be required to implement a real-name-based registration system that links an account to an individual user that China‘s regulators will be able to check. The notice from China’s National Press and Publication Administration on Monday said the ‘problem of excessive use or even addiction to online games by minors’ has become prominent, according to an English-language translation made by Apple.”
(Friday Church News Notes, September 3, 2021, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143)