“On February 2018 Dr. Steve Pettit, president of Bob Jones University, praised Dr. Billy Graham’s ministry and his legacy. During a chapel message on November 7th of 2019, Dr. Pettit praised the ministry of Dr. Billy Kim. Dr. Kim has always been a lover of the Graham ministry. It is a well-documented fact that Graham and Kim made partnering with the Roman Catholics (and others) IN MINISTRY a matter of course. On January 23, 2020, BJU invited the public on campus to screen the movie Unplanned created by pro-life advocate Abby Johnson. Then on March 5, 2020, BJU hosted the Piedmont Women’s Center (PWC) for their fundraising event. The speaker for the evening was Abby Johnson. During the event, Johnson ‘preached the gospel.’ On stage, displayed on a banner, were the words of Isaiah 43:19. Johnson said, ‘We must give the gospel to these ladies, not the watered-down Jesus but the powerful Jesus. Everyone here is a sinner and in the need of a savior.’ She used the words ‘cross, gospel, sinners, Jesus.’ Folks left the event believing Johnson to be a born again Christian. Here is what they did not know: Johnson was raised a Southern Baptist. Through a series of events, she converted to Roman Catholicism. Johnson explains her journey away from a gospel-preaching church and into Romanism. She proudly admits that she uses the pro-life platform to evangelize for Romanism.”
Machen White, “BJU Then and Now…Abby Johnson,” Apr. 7, 2020, Musings of a Fundamentalist