Ben Carson is a retired neurosurgeon and former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. The following is excepted from “Vaccine Mandates Shape Terrible Future,” Newsmax, Aug. 23, 2021: “‘The really important thing here is for us to recognize that this is America that we’re living in,’ Carson told Monday’s ‘Eric Bolling: The Balance.’ ‘This is a place where people came so that they could be free. And the whole concept of mandates, no matter how wonderful you think they are, are opening the door to something that could be pretty terrible in the future.’ Carson shared his concern that politicians could impose ‘some types of penalties’ on Americans for having unorthodox views, and that is something ‘we have to think about.’ As far as vaccines, Carson believes ‘they’re very good.’ Vaccination mandates, however, are not, he said. And if activists try to steer people ‘in one direction or another by parceling out certain types of information, it makes them even more suspicious,’ Carson said. The retired neurosurgeon concluded that ‘the damage that we do with mandates that are unnecessary is tremendous.’”
(Friday Church News Notes, September 3, 2021, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143)