Atheism is on the march among professing Christians. In 1994, it was reported by the Sunday Times (July 31) in London that at least 100 Anglican priests are atheists who do not believe in “an external, supernatural God.” On May 16, 2009, the bells of the Anglican Cathedral of Liverpool pealed out John Lennon’s hypnotic, atheistic song “Imagine” three times (“imagine there’s no heaven … no hell … no religion”). A spokesperson for the cathedral stupidly said, “We feel this performance has inspired many people to think about their relationship with God in their lives” (“Imagine That,” The Daily Mail, May 17, 2009). In 2007, George Perdikis, co-founder of the Christian rock band Newsboys, “renounced Christianity once and for all and declared myself an atheist” (“Co-founder of Newsboys,”, Jan. 22, 2015). In August 2019, Marty Sampson, song writer and worship leader for Hillsong, said he no longer believes in God. That same year, Joshua Harris, author of the best-selling I Kissed Dating Goodbye, renounced his faith in Christ. He is divorcing his wife. He says he is following his “heart” and is happy and at peace. In May 2020, Jon Steingard of the Christian rock band Hawk Nelson, declared on Instagram that he is an atheist. Steingard said, “I am stunned by the number of people in visible positions within Christian circles that feel the same way as I do. Like me, they fear losing everything if they’re open about it.” In 2021, Kevin Max, formerly of the Christian rock bands DC Talk and Audio Adrenaline, said that he was “deconstructing” his Christian faith and believes in a “universal Christ.” He says that he hasn’t given up “the faith,” but it is a “faith” filled with doubts. He calls himself an “exvangelical.” On May 17, 2021, Max tweeted that he is “pro-LGBTQIA, pro-BLM, pro-open mindedness, anti-narrow mindedness.” In January 2022, Christian rapper Brady Goodwin (aka Phanatik) said he was leaving “the universal church” and “denouncing the Christian faith.” Goodwin made the point of saying, “I’m good; I’m where I think I’m going to be.” In September 2022, Rhett McLaughlin, a Christian comedian and singer, announced that he no longer believes the Bible, but is a “hopeful agnostic.” In his album Human Overboard, he tells God that they are breaking up. These men make the point of saying that everything is wonderful now that they have renounced the Bible. It is nonsense.
(Friday Church News Notes, September 30, 2022,,, 866-295-4143)