Antisepsis Censored by Mainstream Media 1873

Surgeons Using Lister’s Antiseptic Method: Joseph Lister, centre, guiding the use of the carbolic spray apparatus on the right.
Photo Credit & Source: Chemistry Explained.

Journalist at Large, London, 1873 – It has come to our attention that Joseph Lister’s “germ theory” has been censored by the respected media publications of our day, and rightfully so, we say. As readers probably know, Lister is the controversial surgeon at Glasgow Royal Infirmary whose “deeply religious” character makes him immediately suspect. He claims that a new antiseptic method of surgery dramatically reduces the fatality rate from about 50% to 15%, but the vast majority of scientific opinion is against the man’s theories. Four years ago, the British Association, meeting at Leeds, mocked Lister’s ideas, and just this year the respected medical journal The Lancet warned that the entire medical profession is against Lister’s ideas. It is difficult to see how that such an august group of medical men could be wrong. We find it commendable that our all-wise, mothering media have the policy of censoring “content that contradicts the consensus of local and global health authorities” so that dangerous ideas like Lister’s will not be propagated and debated. As the wise saying goes, “We must follow the science.”

(Friday Church News Notes, April 16, 2021,,, 866-295-4143)